Saturday, 4 June 2016

How to Install Visual Studio Professional 2012

Step By Step Installing Visual Studio Professional 2012

Supported Operating System

Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012
•Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64)
•Windows 8 (x86 and x64)
•Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
•Windows Server 2012 (x64)
•Hardware Requirements:
•1.6 GHz or faster processor
•1 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine)
•5 GB of available hard disk space
•5400 RPM hard drive
•DirectX 9-capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher display resolution

Mount .iso file. Click on “Setup.exe” file. Agree on terms and conditions and click on “Next” button.

Select the required features from the list and click “Install” button. It will take around 7.90 GB of space if all features are installed.

Setup will create “System Restore Point” before starting the installation process.

Once it is done, it will start installation process.

Between setup will ask you to restart the system. Click on “Restart” button to restart your system.

Setup will resume, once system is restarted.

Now installation will take some time. Around 20-30 minutes.

Once setup is completed, you can launch Visual studio.

Installing WampServer on Windows 7 & 8

Installing WampServer
WampServer is a local server package for Windows, allowing you to install and host web applications that use Apache, PHP and MySQL.
This article will walk you through the steps to install WampServer on your computer.

1. Downloading WampServer

Make sure you select the correct installer file for your version of Windows. If you don’t know if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit, right-click on My Computer, and then click Properties.

For Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8, look for System Type.
For Windows XP, look for x64 in the System description.

2. Start Installing WampServer
To start the installation process, you need to open the folder where you saved the file, and double-click the installer file. A security warning window will open, asking if you are sure you want to run this file. Click Run to start the installation process.
Next you will see the Welcome To The WampServer Setup Wizard screen. Click Next to continue the installation.
The next screen you are presented with is the License Agreement. Read the agreement, check the radio button next to I accept the agreement, then click Next to continue the installation.
Next you will see the Select Destination Location screen. Unless you would like to install WampServer on another drive, you should not need to change anything. Click Next to continue.
The next screen you are presented with is the Select Additional Tasks screen. You will be able to select whether you would like a Quick Launch icon added to the taskbar or a Desktop icon created once installation is complete. Make your selections, then click Next to continue.

Next you will see the Ready To Install screen. You can review your setup choices, and change any of them by clicking Back to the appropriate screen, if you choose to. Once you have reviewed your choices, click Install to continue.
WampServer will begin extracting files to the location you selected.
Once the files are extracted, you will be asked to select your default browser. WampServer defaults to Internet Explorer upon opening the local file browser window. If your default browser isn’t IE, then look in the following locations for the corresponding .exe file:
Opera: C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe
Firefox: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozille Firefox\firefox.exe
Safari: C:\Program Files (x86)\Safari\safari.exe
Chrome: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Select your default browser’s .exe file, then click Open to continue.
A Windows Security Alert window will open, saying that Windows Firewall has blocked some features of the program. Check whether you want to allow Apache HTTP Server to communicate on a private or public network, then click Allow Access.
The Setup screen will appear next, showing you the status of the installation process.
Once the progress bar is completely green, the PHP Mail Parameters screen will appear. Leave the SMTP server aslocalhost, and change the email address to one of your choosing. Click Next to continue.
The Installation Complete screen will now appear. Check the Launch WampServer Now box, then click Finish to complete the installation.
You should see the WampServer icon appear in the systray on the right side of your taskbar. If the icon is green, then everything is working properly. If the icon is orange, then there are issues with one of the services. If the icon is red, then both Apache and MySQL services aren’t running. You will need to resolve those issues before continuing.

3. Testing WampServer
Once you have completed the installation process, test that your installation is working properly by going tohttp://localhost/ in your browser. You should see the WampServer homepage displayed.

If the WampServer homepage does not display, you will want to check that your hosts file has localhost mapped to, and you aren’t running any other services on port 80, such as another local server (XAMPP, DesktopServer, etc.), WebDAV, or Skype.
You also need to check that phpMyAdmin is working by going to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in your browser. If you get the Cannot connect: invalid settings error message, then you’ll need to edit theC:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.5.1\ file in a plain text editor (your version number may be different), and ensure this option is set to true:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;

4. Configuring WampServer
After you’ve installed and tested WampServer, you will need to adjust some configuration options to complete your local setup.

4.1 PHP Configuration

Click on the WampServer icon, go to the php menu, and click on the php.ini option. This will open the php.ini file in your plain text editor. Adjust the following settings:
Set level of error reporting – remove the ; at beginning of line to enable:
error_reporting = E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED (~line 112)
Log PHP errors – remove the ; at beginning of line to enable:
error_log = "c:/wamp/logs/php_error.log" (~line 639)
Increase maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept – change the value:
post_max_size = 50M (~line 734)
Increase maximum allowed size for uploaded files – change the value:
upload_max_filesize = 50M (~line 886)
Once you have made the above changes, click Save.
4.2 Apache Configuration 

To use custom permalinks in WordPress, you will need to enable Apache’s rewrite_module. Click on the WampServer icon, go to the Apache > Apache modules menu, then find and click rewrite_module to ensure it is enabled. WampServer will change the httpd.conf file, and restart Apache automatically.

5. Creating A MySQL Database With WampServer
Creating a database in WampServer is done via phpMyAdmin. You can access phpMyAdmin by enteringhttp://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in your web browser.
The main phpMyAdmin screen will appear. On the left is a list of databases that already exist: information_schema,mysql, performance_schema, and test. Do not delete these, as they are necessary for WampServer and phpMyAdmin to run properly.
To create a database, click Databases in the main navbar at the top.

On the Databases screen, you will need to enter the database name (for example, root_wordpress-trunk) in the left field, choose your database collation from the Collation dropdown box (utf8_unicode_ci), then click Create.

You will see a success message once the database has been created, and your new database will appear in the list on the left.

The default phpMyAdmin user, root, is automatically assigned to the database upon creation, and has no password. The database connection info you will need to use when installing WordPress locally will be:
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'root_databasename');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'root');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', '');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

6. Shutting Down WampServer
To shut down WampServer, click on the systray icon and select Stop All Services to shut down the Apache and MySQL services. The icon will turn red once all services have been shut down.

Next you will right-click on the WampServer systray icon and click Exit to close the program.

Friday, 20 May 2016

How to Create Table in SQL Server 2014

These are the steps to create a table in a SQL Server 2014 database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Ensuring you have the correct database expanded (in our case, the TaskTracker database), right click on the Tables icon and select Table... from the contextual menu:

A new table will open in Design view. While you have this screen open, do the following:
Using the values in the screenshot, complete the details in the Column Name column, the Data Type column, and Allow Nulls column.
Make the TaskId column a Primary Key field by right-clicking the button next to TaskId (i.e. the same area where the key appears in the following screenshot) and selecting Set Primary Key.
Make the TaskId column an identity column by setting Is Identity to Yes (you can find this option under theIdentity Specification section in the bottom pane). Note that to set values in the bottom pane, you need to select the column name in the top pane first. We're setting this column to be an auto-number column - it will automatically generate a new number for each record that is created.
Set the Default Value of the DateCreated column to (getdate()). (This will automatically insert the current date into that field for each new record).

What we are doing is creating the column names, specifying the type of data that can be entered into them, and setting default values. Restricting the data type for each column is very important and helps maintain data integrity. For example, it can prevent us from accidentally entering a task name into a field for storing the current date. SQL Server will prevent data from entering tables where the data doesn't adhere to the rules that we've set for each column.
Save the table by selecting File > Save Table_1 or by right-clicking on the Table's tab and selecting Save Table_1 from the contextual menu:

When prompted, name your table (we'll call it Tasks):

Your New Table
Now that you've created a new table, it will appear under your database in the Tables section. If you don't see it immediately, try refreshing the Object Explorer. You can do this by right-clicking on Tables and clicking Refresh from the contextual menu:

Here's a screenshot of the table with the Columns folder expanded:

Thursday, 19 May 2016

How to Create Database in SQL Server 2014

Now that we've opened SQL Server Management Studio, let's start by creating a database.
For this tutorial I'll be creating a database to track tasks. It can be used as the backend of a task-tracker application. I'll give the database an obvious name like "Task Tracker" so I know what it's used for. This will help distinguish this database from the other databases - especially if one day I end up with say, 10 or 20 databases in my SQL Server Management Studio (which would probably be a small number for some DBAs).

Creating a database can be done by running a SQL script or by "point and click". Here we'll use "point and click". But first, let's look at the system databases.

System Databases
When you install SQL Server, the following four databases are created.

This database stores system level information such as user accounts, configuration settings, and info on all other databases.

This database is used as a template for all other databases that are created.

The msdb database is used by the SQL Server Agent for configuring alerts and scheduled jobs etc

This one holds all temporary tables, temporary stored procedures, and any other temporary storage requirements generated by SQL Server.
These are system databases and each of them are there for a specific purpose. When we create our own database, the database will be created based on the model database (above). That database provides the template for any new database that you create.
How to Create a New Database
The following steps demonstrate how to create a database in SQL Server 2014 using SQL Server Management Studio.
From the Object Explorer, right click on the Databases folder/icon and select New database...:

Name your database (I called mine TaskTracker) and click OK:

No more steps... you're done!

Your New Database
Your new database will appear under the Databases section of the Object Explorer (just under the System Databases folder). Here's mine:

As mentioned, the new database is based on the Model database. The Model database is a system database which is used as a template whenever a new database is created. If you use the left pane to navigate to your database and expand the tree, you will notice that your database already contains a number of objects. For example, it already contains system functions, system views, system stored procedures, and (hidden) system tables. These are system objects which provide information about the database.

Other Options
We have just created a database using the default options. When we created the database, a data file and a transaction log were created. They were created in the default location for our server.
If we'd wanted to, we could have specified a different location for these files at the time we created the database. We could also have changed other specifications, such as whether to allow the file to grow automatically (as it stores more and more data), and if so, how that growth should be managed.
Many of these options can be changed via Database Properties, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the database and selectingProperties:

The Properties dialog contains a large number of options for changing the configuration of your database. Clicking on the various items in the top-left pane will result in their respective options being displayed. For now, we'll leave everything at its default setting.

So we've just created a database. 

How to create Multiple Instance for SQL Server 2012

SQL Server 2012 Multi Instance Creation

The next screen asks us what type of installation we want to perform. Although it may not be the most obvious choice, select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.

The installation will now run the Setup Support Rules wizard to ensure that everything is good to go.

Upon completion it will report what issues, if any, were found and give a detailed report if you wish to view it. Click OK when you are finished looking the information over.

The installation will then search for the latest updates. You may choose to skip this scan and check for updates later. Click Next >.

We are going to create a new SQL server instance, so select the Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2012 and click Next >.

Enter your license key. Unless your organization requires something different for licensing compliance, his should be the same key as the license key for the original instance of SQL server installed.

The next box in the installation wizard is the EULA. Read and if you accept the license terms click Next >.Here you also have the opportunity to send Microsoft usage data for analysis.

The next option depends on your environment and what you require from this SQL server installation. For the scope of this article, All Features With Defaults is selected. Click Next >.

The Feature Selection page lists all of the components that are going to be installed. Because we selected All Features With Defaults absolutely all of the options will be selected. Again, make sure that you select the options you require from creating this SQL server instance. Extra options will just slow the server down by requiring more resources. Click Next >.

The wizard runs through another rule check. This time it is for the Installation Rules. This screen, like the previous checks, will give information about the check and allow you to see more details if there is something that needs to be fixed. Click Next >.

Finally we are that the part of the installation wizard where we can name our new SQL server instance. This should be something informative and easy to recognize. Remember, you will be using this name to access the instance you create. For the purpose of this article, I will create the SQL server instance named New_Instance. Click Next >.

Disk space requirements are then checked against what the installation requires. This is not the size of your database. You will need to allow sufficient space for your databases to grow comfortably. ClickNext >.

The Server Configuration dialogue box will allow you to configure what services of this instance you would like to automatically start. Change all of the services allowed to Automatic. Click Next >.

For the database engine configuration, I have chosen to use Windows Authentication Mode. You may choose to use mixed mode if you wish. Click the Add Current User button to add the user you are logged in as, or the Add… button to add a specific account for this purpose. Once complete, click Next >.

The next window is for the analysis services configuration. Again, click the Add Current User or theAdd… button to select a specific account for this service and then click Next >.

As the reporting services configuration is out of the scope of this article, select the Install Only radio button and click Next >. This service can be configured at a later time.

For the distributed replay controller we will again click the Add Current User or the Add… button to select a specific account for this service and then click Next >.

In the Controller Name textbox on the distributed replay client box, type something informative. In this case I chose to use New_Instance_DRC. Select an appropriate working directory and result directory by clicking the ellipses (…) button to the right of the fields. These should be directories that will easily be recalled. Click Next > when complete.

On the Error Reporting dialogue box, select whether you would like to send Windows and SQL server error reports to Microsoft. I left the box unchecked as this is a test server. Click Next >.

Finally, we are at the last rule checking window. This part of the installation wizard will ensure all of the previous information entered will allow the installation for the new SQL server instance to complete successfully. Click Next > after reviewing any required information.

Our Ready to Install dialogue box gives all of the information we used to create the SQL server instance. At this point, review the information ensuring that it is correct and click Install.

The install will take some time depending on the resources available to the box. Although it is not required, an after-hours or low traffic period would be preferred to lessen the impact on the production environment.

After some time, we are presented with the final window for the installation wizard. This box will give the status of every step in the process. Click the Close button after reviewing any pertinent information to end the SQL server instance installation wizard.

Accessing the new SQL Server Instance
Accessing the newly created SQL server instance is as easy as adding the instance name after the server name. For example, our installation is localhost\New_Instance or <server_name>\<instance_name>.
Open the SQL Server Management Studio from the Windows Start menu.

When the Connect to Server dialogue box opens, type the server name and instance. Again, for this article we would use localhost\New_Instance and Windows Authentication.

In the left pane we can now see that we are connected to our new, running SQL server instance. From here we can manage it just as we would manage any other single SQL server.